
Who is the Employer?

Stuttering in the Workplace: To Whom does Human Rights Legislation Apply?

In this Article, we are addressing the issue of the scope of applicability of human rights legislation in the workplace arising out of the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in  BC

Mathew YaworskiArticles Categories

5 Ways Singing With Others Can Enrich Your Day-to-Day Life as a Person Who Stutters

Why do we love singing in the shower, at concerts, or during cultural celebrations? Well, there are many reasons​​ –– and researchers around the world are shining a light on some of them.

Embracing My Stutter: A Journey of Acceptance

Growing up in Nigeria, I was a very chatty child. But everything changed before the age of 10 when I became aware of my speech.

Pearl OrhiobhePersonal Stories

Abhy Chan's Story

As far as I can remember, I’ve stuttered. I think that I know why, but let’s put a pin in that and we’ll come back to it later. I don’t know if I stuttered from birth or not. My father stuttered, so it could be genetic. 

Abhy ChanPersonal Stories

Stuttering & the Duty to Accommodate

Duty to Accommodate, Reasonable Accommodation, Undue Hardship and Bona Fide Occupational Requirements

Mathew YaworskiArticles Categories

Stuttering: Disability and Discrimination

In this Article, I examine considerations around stuttering as a disability and discrimination. 

Is stuttering a disability? 

Good question. I take the position that it is.  

Mathew YaworskiArticles Categories

Living Life with Determination and Fortitude: Peter's Story

I met Peter Holleley fourteen years ago, when running a Toastmasters Group for People who Stutter in Toronto. In his early 60s, he was older than most people attending the group. He liked to talk, as a lot of people who stutter do.

Lisa WilderPersonal Stories

Should I disclose my stutter when applying for jobs?

This is a controversial question, there is no right or wrong answer. It is a matter of personal preference and risk tolerance. Personally, I have always disclosed my stutter on job applications.

Mathew YaworskiArticles Categories

Finding Employment as a Person Who Stutters

Mathew Yaworski, Employment Advocacy Coordinator for the Canadian Stuttering Association, shares his advice on determining the inclusivity of potential employers in Canada. I am

Mathew YaworskiPersonal Commentary

Looking Backwards

In order to grasp the big picture of what occurred in November 1971 when I recovered from my stuttering, I sense that very very briefly telling this same story backwards might be of assistance to anyone who is interested. 

Don McLeanPersonal Commentary