
Living Life with Determination and Fortitude: Peter's Story

I met Peter Holleley fourteen years ago, when running a Toastmasters Group for People who Stutter in Toronto. In his early 60s, he was older than most people attending the group. He liked to talk, as a lot of people who stutter do.

Lisa WilderPersonal Stories

The Football Star

When Dimitri was a young boy growing up, his stutter prevented him from getting a word into many conversations. He would grunt with frustration and make a fist with his hand anytime his stutter would cut off his sentences.

Vicki KriazisPersonal Stories

Mathew Yaworski, Litigator for the Canadian Government, is CSA's new Employment Advocacy Coordinator

Hello Canadian Stuttering Association (CSA) members and our wider community. I am your newest Employment Advocacy Coordinator. I am a life-long stutterer. While the severity of my disfluency has improved with the benefit of therapy, my stutter remains.  

Mathew YaworskiPersonal Stories

A Magic Moment

Previously, Don McLean very briefly described how he no longer stutters. His latest article flushes out in more detail how that ecstatic ending came to be, some time at the end of November 1971.

Don McLeanPersonal Stories

Finding Acceptance and Purpose with the CSA

My name is David Liu, and I’m joining the Board of Directors as the Conference and Event Planning Coordinator. Once I learn the ropes, I’ll be leading the planning and execution of the CSA’s Let’s Talk Events and annual conferences.

David LiuPersonal Stories

Making Change: My Story and the CSA Conference

I am a person who stutters, and I’ve stuttered since I could first speak. When I was much younger, I was hardly even aware I had a speech disability. My parents assumed my difficulty speaking was just a phase I would grow out of, and I didn’t really think about my stutter at all.

Rhea BhallaPersonal Stories

Become the Inspiration

I’ve been stuttering since I was 2. My mom says that she first noticed it when she got me a pink toy kitchen for Christmas. I was so excited, I couldn’t even speak.

Maria StellerPersonal Stories

Kyle's Story

According to the Oxford dictionary, the word “Stutter” is defined as: “talk with continued involuntary repetition of sounds, especially initial consonants.” Prior to 2007, if asked to define the above term, I probably would have replied with a similar re

Kristin PrattPersonal Stories