
My Stuttering Story

My parents have told me that I didn’t say my first word until I was three years old. When I was a child, I knew I didn’t talk like other kids and I initially believed there was something wrong with my vocal cords.

Lisa HollingsworthConference, Personal Commentary

A First CSA Conference Experience

My name is Samuel Sinanan, and I am a person who stutters. I have been a stutterer all my life. This year was the first time I attended a Canadian Stuttering Association (CSA) Conference.

Samuel SinananConference, Personal Commentary

Une Merveilleuse Expérience

I recently had the great pleasure of attending the CSA ( Canadian Stuttering Association) annual conference for the first time in early November. I had always wanted to attend an international conference, and this was held in Montréal, Québec.

Pamela MertzConference, Personal Commentary

The  CSA Conference changed my Daughter’s Life

Photo: Cynthianna, age 10, with Eeva Stierwalt, CSA National Coordinator

My name is Cynthia and I am a Mother of two children who stutter:  Nathdaniel, age 17 and Cynthianna, age 10. 

Cynthia NeeposhConference, Kid's Corner, Personal Commentary

Family and Youth Programming for the CSA Conference

Alexandra D'AgostinoConference