My Stuttering Story
My parents have told me that I didn’t say my first word until I was three years old. When I was a child, I knew I didn’t talk like other kids and I initially believed there was something wrong with my vocal cords.
Lisa Hollingsworth — — Conference, Personal Commentary
A First CSA Conference Experience
My name is Samuel Sinanan, and I am a person who stutters. I have been a stutterer all my life. This year was the first time I attended a Canadian Stuttering Association (CSA) Conference.
Samuel Sinanan — — Conference, Personal Commentary
Une Merveilleuse Expérience
I recently had the great pleasure of attending the CSA ( Canadian Stuttering Association) annual conference for the first time in early November. I had always wanted to attend an international conference, and this was held in Montréal, Québec.
Pamela Mertz — — Conference, Personal Commentary
My Personal Story: Stuttering Journey to SLP!
As I was growing up, the word "stutter" was never spoken in my household, leading me to believe that it was this taboo concept that should not be discussed. I slipped through the cracks of the school system and was never identified for speech therapy.
Chantel McAlonen — — Personal Commentary, Award Recipient
Looking Backwards
In order to grasp the big picture of what occurred in November 1971 when I recovered from my stuttering, I sense that very very briefly telling this same story backwards might be of assistance to anyone who is interested.
Don McLean — — Personal Commentary
Jordan Bloom, CSA's new Marketing & Communications Coordinator
Hi CSA! My name is Jordan Bloom, and I am so beyond excited to join the Board of Directors as the Marketing and Communications Coordinator for the Canadian Stuttering Association.
Jordan Bloom — — Personal Commentary
CSA Member Pushes for Justice
One of our members, Peter Holleley, was in a serious human rights dispute with the Landlord Tenants Board (LTB) which he then escalated to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO).
Lisa Wilder — — Personal Commentary
CSA Conference 2023 Success!
There were many highlights of our CSA 2023 Conference at the beautiful Lord Elgin Hotel in downtown Ottawa!
Eeva Stierwalt — — Personal Commentary
The Day I was Finally Heard: 52 years Later
On Saturday night November 4 2023, the Banquet Dinner of the Canadian Stuttering Association took place.
Don McLean — — Personal Commentary
The CSA Conference changed my Daughter’s Life
My name is Cynthia and I am a Mother of two children who stutter: Nathdaniel, age 17 and Cynthianna, age 10.
Cynthia Neeposh — — Conference, Kid's Corner, Personal Commentary