
Finding Employment as a Person Who Stutters

Mathew Yaworski, Employment Advocacy Coordinator for the Canadian Stuttering Association, shares his advice on determining the inclusivity of potential employers in Canada. I am

Mathew YaworskiPersonal Commentary

Looking Backwards

In order to grasp the big picture of what occurred in November 1971 when I recovered from my stuttering, I sense that very very briefly telling this same story backwards might be of assistance to anyone who is interested. 

Don McLeanPersonal Commentary

Jordan Bloom, CSA's new Marketing & Communications Coordinator

Hi CSA! My name is Jordan Bloom, and I am so beyond excited to join the Board of Directors as the Marketing and Communications Coordinator for the Canadian Stuttering Association.

Jordan BloomPersonal Commentary

CSA Member Pushes for Justice

One of our members, Peter Holleley, was in a serious human rights dispute with the Landlord Tenants Board (LTB) which he then escalated to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO).

Lisa WilderPersonal Commentary

CSA Conference 2023 Success!

There were many highlights of our CSA 2023 Conference at the beautiful Lord Elgin Hotel in downtown Ottawa!  

Eeva StierwaltPersonal Commentary

The Day I was Finally Heard: 52 years Later

The Banquet Dinner

On Saturday night November 4 2023, the Banquet Dinner of the Canadian Stuttering Association took place.

Don McLeanPersonal Commentary

The  CSA Conference changed my Daughter’s Life

Photo: Cynthianna, age 10, with Eeva Stierwalt, CSA National Coordinator

My name is Cynthia and I am a Mother of two children who stutter:  Nathdaniel, age 17 and Cynthianna, age 10. 

Cynthia NeeposhPersonal Commentary, Kid's Corner

Studies Show... Conferences are Awesome!

It's no secret that peer support, and opportunities to meet and interact with one another, in both social and educational environments, are beneficial for people who stutter. Worldwide, tens of thousands of people who stutter attend support groups and conferences.

Lisa WilderPersonal Commentary

Stuttering From a Different Perspective

William BaerPersonal Commentary

My Name... My Name... My Name is Don McLean

My Name... My Name is Don McLean. My Name... is Don McLean.

Don McLeanPersonal Commentary