Stuttering is easier when you realize that you are not alone :)

Angelica Bernabé

Being a person who stutters isn’t always easy, but it becomes much easier when you realize you're not alone. I’m Angelica, a person who stutters from Peru, currently living in the USA while pursuing a PhD. I recently attended my first stuttering conference with the Canadian Stuttering Association and the Association Bégaiement Communication in Montréal. At first, I didn’t find anyone to go with, but then I thought, why not go solo? And honestly, it turned out to be an amazing decision. I arrived in Canada on my own and left with new friends and unforgettable memories.

Being around people who truly understand so empowering

I’ve been stuttering since I was a child, and the first time I met someone else who stutters was in my adulthood, 10 years ago. Even though I’ve spent a decade connecting with others who stutter, it’s still amazing how much I learn from these interactions. Being around people who truly understand what it’s like to stutter—who’ve faced the same challenges and emotions—is so empowering. It gives you a sense of belonging and reminds you that you’re not alone on this journey.

The CSA Conference 2024 experience

The conference was a perfect example of that. I met so many people with similar stories (and very different ones too), and it was amazing to see how each person navigates their stutter in their own unique way. Some shared "coping strategies," while others talked about how they’ve embraced their stutter as part of who they are. I also got to meet friends that I had only known online, and finally connecting in person was such an amazing experience. At one point during the conference, I had a conversation that moved me to tears. I realized just how proud I was of myself for, despite everything I’ve been through as a kid and teen who stutters, being there in Canada, attending and presenting at a conference in another language, and feeling genuinely happy.

I truly believe that it’s crucial for our mental and emotional well-being to connect with others who stutter. If you’ve never attended a conference or meet-up, I highly encourage you to go. It’s not just about learning new things; it’s about forming meaningful connections, finding support, and realizing that we’re all part of a larger community. Don’t miss the chance to be part of something that can make such a positive impact on your life. As I said earlier, stuttering is easier when you realize you are not alone :)

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