
Katherine Preston on the Today Show

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Drug Treatment Speech Survey

Researchers at the University of Strathclyde are seeking people who stutter to complete an online survey about drug treatments for stuttering.

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Letting Go

Garrett HollmanPersonal Stories

Taking Chances

Let's face it. When it come to pursuing someone of romantic interest, even at the best of times it can be a challenging task. Even more so when our means to communicate is made more difficult by our stutter.

Richard W. LutmanPersonal Commentary

Lil JaXe in CBC interview

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Finding the words

Richard W. LutmanPersonal Commentary

A Father's Day story

Haley Wolgien, a young woman from Edmonton, tells a moving story about seeking treatment for her stuttering. After her father passed away, she was encouraged by his memory to seek help at the Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research.

Lisa WilderNews Archives