
PWS Ian Crouch's article in Salon Magazine

This is an interesting article from July about writer Ian Crouch's experience with stuttering.

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Pagoclone Study not Promising

After many years of testing, the drug Pagoclone, believed to reduce stuttering in some people, is still not available for general use, and might never be.

Lisa WilderResearch

My Experience at the NSA Conference

Rebecca TaskerPersonal Commentary

NSA Conference a success

The National Stuttering Association Conference in Cleveland, Ohio was a resounding success. Toronto podcaster Daniele Rossi attended the conference with fellow PWS Rebecca and Carolina.

Daniele RossiNews Archives

Coping responses by adults who stutter, Part 2

This article is a summary and review, of the following article:
Article: Coping responses by adults who stutter: Part 2. Approaching the problem and achieving agency
From the Journal of Fluency Disorders, Vol. 34, 2009, 87-107

Lisa WilderResearch

Notker the Stammerer

Lisa WilderPersonal Commentary

New Research into Stuttering

From information compiled from CNN and Science News websites


Lisa WilderNews Archives