
Spirit of the Season

Lisa WilderNews Archives

"Kill Your Stutter" site puts up disclaimer

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Stuttering John's Bistro

Lisa WilderPersonal Stories

Toronto boy who stutters raps for star

Twelve year old Jake Zeldin has discovered his special talent – rapping. He has stuttered since he learned to talk, but is able to rap fluently. Recently he performed backstage in front of Rap star Drake at a Toronto concert.

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Fluency Plus Toronto

Graduates of this very successful and popular intensive program for stutterers are invited to attend a 2 day “Weekend Refresher” every year, at minimal cost.

Marvin KlotzNews Archives

Dutch singer, Sanne Hans

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Weekend Refresher Course in Toronto

The Speech and Stuttering Institute’s annual Weekend Refresher Course

Date: December 3rd & 4th, 2011

Place: 500 University Avenue, Room 235, Toronto
(Take subway to St. Patrick Station)

Time: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm on Saturday AND 9:30 am – 4:30 pm on Sunday

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Stuttersocial website launched, a website created to give people who stutter (PWS) a central location to find out about Google+ Hangouts, has been launched.  A "Google+ Hangout" is a group video conference call where y

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Philip Garber Jr. interviewed on StutterTalk

Philip Garber Jr., the teen who made headlines when his teacher at a New Jersey college asked him not to talk in class, is interviewed by Peter Reitzes on the site

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Dr. Dennis Drayna featured on NIH website

Lisa WilderNews Archives