Dans " Histoires avec marionnettes chaussettes : exprimez-vous ", les participants créeront leurs propres marionnettes chaussettes, en utilisant des chaussettes, matériaux colorés et leur imagination. Cet atelier d'artisanat pratique offre un environnement sûr et favorable où les enfants peuvent explorer leur créativité et s'exprimer à travers la narration. Aucune expérience en matière d'artisanat n'est nécessaire : apportez simplement votre enthousiasme !
À propos des présentateurs/présentatrices
Ania Jodzio-Spector

Ania Jodzio-Spector, a Montreal local who’s fluent in both english and french. She's a
Concordia grad who now works at a cute eco-friendly bakery in the city's Mile-End borough.
While she has attended a stuttering conference in the States before, this will be her first time
participating in the Canadian Stuttering Association conference.
Rhea Bhalla

Rhea is a second-year student at the University of Manitoba with close to six years of volunteer experience with the CSA. She co-leads the Family and Youth Programming Committee, leads the Prairie Stuttering Support Group and the National Youth Support Group, and serves as the Volunteer Coordinator on the board of directors. Outside of her studies, Rhea enjoys volunteering, reading, and scoping out hidden coffee spots in Winnipeg.