
Billy Crystal talks about new movie featuring boy who stutters

From the National Stuttering Association Website.

Lisa WilderNews Archives

The academic field of Disability Studies

Lisa WilderPersonal Commentary

Stammering on the BBC: a personal recollection

Winston PurdyPersonal Stories

Australian writer, Kate Forsyth, talks about stuttering and "spoonerisms"

In this amusing article featured in the Australian newspaper the Age, noted author Kate Forsyth relates her battles with speech difficulties and memories of her childhood. Has anyone else ever heard of "spoonerisms"?


Personal Commentary

I am woman, hear me stutter

Amy BaldPersonal Stories

10th World Congress for People who Stutter announced

The 10th ISA World Congress for People who Stutter will take place in the Netherlands in 2013, from June 10th until June 13th.

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Stuttering and the telephone

Samuel DunsigerPersonal Commentary

Ottawa PWS group screens movie "Bully"

Lisa WilderNews Archives