
Diversity Outreach Project

Mary Rose S. LabandeloPersonal Commentary

Online dating and stuttering

The brilliant podcast site Stuttertalk has an interview with Sara Macintyre who speaks about online dating for PWS.

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Eye to eye: Stuttering and the gaze

Lisa WilderResearch

5K/10K Walk/Run event planned for 2013

Planning is underway for a 5K/10K Walk event to raise awareness about stuttering, and to raise money for the Speech and Stuttering Institute to provide speech therapy for low-income families.

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Summer employment opportunity for SLP at Camp BCAPS

Camp BCAPS, a camp for children who stutter sponsored by the British Columbia Association of People who Stutter, is looking for a Speech Language Pathologist to assist with the camp session June 28 - July 1. This is a paid position.

Lisa WilderNews Archives

CSA welcomes new National Coordinator

Lisa WilderNews Archives