
Community Involvement and Stuttering

It all began with a problem. The problem was that, fifty years ago, I stuttered so badly there were times I could not get out any words at all.

Jaan PillPersonal Stories

Isolation and self-image

Dylan MadeleyPersonal Stories

Jaan Pill video: A guide for listeners

This video is from 2011, and contains some good information about stuttering, speech therapy, and how to listen to a person who stutters. Jaan Pill is one of the co-founders of the CSA (originally the Canadian Association for People Who Stutter).

Personal Stories

Listening is a tool to use before you speak

Simon WalshPersonal Stories

Learning to fly

Jason DawePersonal Stories

Facing challenges

Nick Sebastian CaravaggioPersonal Stories

Putting The Past Behind

Richard W. LutmanPersonal Stories

Letting Go

Garrett HollmanPersonal Stories