Tess Casher, a 23 year old student in English at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, will be attending Oxford University next year as a beneficiary of the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship. Among her many accomplishments is writing a middle school level novel about stuttering, because Tess herself is a person who stutters. The book is to be published next year, and the Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research (ISTAR) will be using it in their training.
“I wanted to aid other youth impacted by their speech,” says Casher in an interview. “Impedi(me)ents on Ice fosters representation of the stuttering experience and informs fluent speakers how they can compassionately communicate with someone who stutters.”
Casher always had a passion for writing, and in high school wrote articles for her local paper where she grew up in the Yukon. Stuttering has always been a part of her life, but has never held her back.
CTV news in Atlantic Canada featured an interview with Tess, in which she says "no one ever told me, 'Tess you can't do something because you have a stutter.'"
She continues, "Find joy and passion in what you love... there are people and communities out there ready to support you."
Many have noticed Casher's commitment, dedication and enthusiasm, including Mount Allison University President and Vice Chancellor Dr. Jean-Paul Boudreau who called her "an extraordinary person and an incredible talent."
The Canadian Stuttering Association extends congratulations to Tess on her impressive accomplishments, and wishes her best of luck at Oxford.