McGill Study on Whispering and Stuttering Launches Survey

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Robert van de Vorst, PhD, a PWS and researcher from McGill university (Montreal), is involved with a study about whispering and stuttering.

His colleague, Joris Castermans, is in the process of developing an app that will enable persons who stutter to (fluently) whisper on the phone, while the person on the other side perceives the normal "voiced" speech (through use of Artificial Intelligence). More about the ideas and developments of this app can be read here.

They are asking people who stutter to participate in a small survey and pilot to explore whether or not persons who stutter would be potentially interested in using such an app in the future. You can find a link to the survey here

we as our research team are not endorsing the future app perse, but we are rather interested in knowing about the potential benefits and drawbacks of this idea and the individual feedback and needs of persons who stutter.

The study is also affiliated with the Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music (CRBLM) and the International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research (BRAMS).

You can contact Robert for more information.

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