CSA’s first Virtual Docuseries a Success


On Thursday, August 27th, the CSA’s fundraising committee organized their first online virtual event to connect with Canadians who stutter and their supporters on Zoom. We had over sixty attendees sign up for this event where they watched a series of thought-provoking films and discussed key topics on stuttering related to self-acceptance, coping, speech therapy, and more.

We are thankful to everyone who participated in this event. An overwhelming 96% of attendees expressed that there is a negative view of stuttering today. The open mic discussion raised important issues related to the lack of education and appropriate representation of stuttering in the media: “People who do not stutter often have a hard time relating to those who have difficulty with speaking and may not know how to react to someone who stutters.”

This calls to action for people who stutter and their supporters to speak up and spread a positive message on stuttering. Join the CSA to celebrate the diversity of people who stutter and their supporters by sharing your personal story by emailing csa-info@stutter.ca!

We would love to hear your “minifesto”, a super short statement revealing our beliefs, intentions, and vision for a better world:

  1. I believe … [What do you believe about the abilities of people who stutter]?
  2. I will use my… [What are your two greatest strengths]?
  3. So that [What change in the world do you want to see happen for people who stutter]?

A special thank you to John Moore from the National Stuttering Association for sharing his minifesto. Donate today at www.stutter.ca and you can help us create more engaging events to reach tens, hundreds, and thousands of more people who stutter. A donation of any amount will make a difference, whether it is $5, $25, or $50! Receive a tax-deductible receipt with a minimum donation of $20.

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