When Fear Speaks, Listen

Fear has a message for us, and we need to listen. Fear can cause us to react rather than respond to it. So many times, we run away from the fear rather than being aware of it, talking with it and learning from it. Let's look at worry and shame, two of the messengers of fear, and see what messages they have for us and how we can learn from them.

Les résultats de l'atelier

When we understand the messengers of fear - e.g., worry and shame - then we can start understand why they are present in our lives and learn from them, accepting them rather than running away from them and ignoring the lessons they bring.

À propos des présentateurs/présentatrices

Mary Wood

Mary first attended a CSA (CAPS) conference in Ottawa in 1993 where she presented a workshop on self-esteem. Since then, Mary has inspired people at conferences in Canada, the United States, Europe and Great Britain. She is the author of "Beyond the Fear of Stuttering, My Journey to Self-acceptance and Freedom."

Discussion interactive
novembre 9, 2024, 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm (EST)
Public visé
Les adultes
Les alliés
Les parents
Les orthophonistes et les étudiants en orthophonie
Les adolescents
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