Venez nous rejoindre pour un voyage aventureux dans le monde de la narration ! L'aventure du temps du conte, nous invitons tous les enfants qui bégaient à plonger dans l'art de créer leurs propres histoires et de raconter leur imagination.
Tout au long de I'atelier, vous participerez à des exercices interactifs de narration avec d'autres participants et vous construirez votre propre aventure narrative. L'atelier comprendra trois types de jeux : un jeu de téléphone cassé joué avec d'autres enfants, un jeu pictographique et l'élaboration de votre propre histoire. Cet atélier est un excellent moyen d'entrer en contact avec des enfants qui bégaient.
À propos des présentateurs/présentatrices
Misha Gohar

Is an individual who navigates the world with a unique perspective shaped by her experiences; specifically related to stuttering. I don’t let my stutter define me, but understand that it is part of who I am and a means for adding depth and thoughtfulness to communication. I would like to meet like minded people who have had similar struggles and also inspire individuals who are still struggling with acceptance.
Ridwana Miah

Ridwana is a paralegal who stutters and has an academic background in politics, law, policy, public governance, and public administration. Through her studies, she gained valuable insights into disability policies and laws, enabling her to analyze how various work and social environments accommodate individuals with disabilities. She actively contributes to International Stuttering Awareness Day, using her writing to share personal stories and insights about the challenges and triumphs of living with a stutter. Through her advocacy, she aims to raise awareness and foster understanding about stuttering, encouraging others in the community to find their voices and speak out. Ridwana believes that those who stutter are their own best advocates, as their lived experiences uniquely position them to promote awareness and support for others.