Play With Embodied Words

An experiential and mindfullness exploration where we transform the words in our heads into physical balls then release them in throwing the balls to another person.

Les résultats de l'atelier

People who attend will laugh and have fun and will gain a new insight into the relationship between their idea of a word, the physiological process of forming that work, and the experience of releasing and giving that word into the space around them.

À propos des présentateurs/présentatrices

Brad Johnston

Brad is a life coach and a movement based researcher of intuitive and natural ways of understanding and being in the word. With at least one invisible neurodiversity (Aphantasia - lack of a visual minds eye) he appreciates the unique subjectivity of everyones experience.

Activité pratique
novembre 9, 2024, 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm (EST)
St. Mathieu
Public visé
Les adultes
Les alliés
Les parents
Les orthophonistes et les étudiants en orthophonie
Les adolescents
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