
CSA Member's letter published in Toronto Star

With all the attention surrounding the new movie, the King's Speech, it's easy to forget that it is very difficult for a lot of people who need it to obtain speech therapy.

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Review of "Yoga For Stuttering"

Lisa WilderBook Reviews a great way to form a group

Lisa WilderNews Archives

CSA Conference Website Launched

Lisa WilderNews Archives

Review of "the King's Speech"

Daniele RossiPersonal Commentary

Movie about King George VI premieres at TIFF

"The King's Speech", a major motion picture about King George VI, opens September 10th at the Toronto Film Festival. King George reluctantly assumed the throne of England when his brother abdicated, and famously struggled with stuttering his whole life.

Lisa WilderNews Archives

9th World Congress for People who Stutter

Lisa WilderNews Archives