Supporting organizations that help people who stutter

Lisa Wilder

Many people who stutter, in Canada and around the world, know of the Speech and Stuttering Institute. It was last winter that Greg O'Grady, a graduate of the Institute's Precision Fluency Shaping program, thought it would be a good idea to show his gratitude by helping to raise money for the place that helped him improve his life. Something simple, like a Walkathon, seemed like the best idea. This could not only benefit the Speech and Stuttering Institute, but it could raise awareness of stuttering in general. Now, with help from members of the stuttering community of the Greater Toronto Area region, that idea is about to become a reality.

You can help! If you live in the area, please come out and participate! You can register online for a fee of $20, which entails you to a souvenir t-shirt, snacks and beverages, as well as entertainment on the day of the walk. If you can't participate, you can donate to the Speech and Stuttering Institute through the Running Room website.

Plan a race for your city

If you live in a different Canadian city, why not start a walk of your own to raise money for any recognized, registered non-profit organization that helps people who stutter? You can register your race with the Running Room, which makes it easy to get participation, pledges and donations. They have locations all over Canada, from Charlottetown to Vancouver.

The Toronto 1K/5K Walk takes place September 23, 2012. For more information see the website.

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