ISTAR celebrates 25th anniversary

Lisa Wilder
Istar Logo

The Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research, based in Edmonton, Alberta, is celebrating its 25th Anniversary of helping people who stutter. To mark the occasion, the institute is hosting a guest speaker lecture series. Two CSA board members – both past CSA National Coordinators – Shelli Teshima and Jaan Pill, will be featured speakers.

In the official announcement, ISTAR says,

Over the last 25 years, we at ISTAR have had the great privilege and pleasure to work with thousands of clients who have made us laugh, moved us, taught us about therapy and fascinated us by their stories and their areas of expertise. What better way to celebrate the work of ISTAR and the legacy of Einer Boberg and Deborah Kully than to let our clients speak for themselves!

The speakers will be featured at various times over the course of the year. The first one, Zaheen Nanji, will be January 25th – check back to this site for more details later.

Focused Refreshers, including a one-day refresher in the Calgary clinic, and a Public Speaking Contest will also be a part of this anniversary celebration. Congratulations ISTAR!

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