CSA Member's letter published in Toronto Star

Lisa Wilder

With all the attention surrounding the new movie, the King's Speech, it's easy to forget that it is very difficult for a lot of people who need it to obtain speech therapy. Jane Clarkson, a CSA Member who lives in Brampton, Ontario, wrote the following letter to the Toronto Star, which was published in the Letters to the Editor section on Monday, September 27.

Try getting help for stuttering

King George VI suffered from stuttering, and his speech therapist was a pauper. If you use the wealth vs. poverty equation now, the situation is reversed.

Here's why: in order to get speech therapy coverage as an adult, you have to suffer from a stroke or car accident. If you have a child with a speech problem, you go on a wait list for speech therapy offered by the Department of Education.

But if you can afford it, you can see a speech therapist at about $125 an hour. And if you run for a political office, like Toronto councillor Karen Stintz, you can use your $4500 expense account.

What can the "paupers" of today do? The choice is to live a life as a stutterer, or become a vocal advocate, sign petitions and question politicians and trustees.

Jane Clarkson,
Member, Canadian Stuttering Association

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