NSA Conference a success

Daniele Rossi
The National Stuttering Association Conference in Cleveland, Ohio was a resounding success. Toronto podcaster Daniele Rossi attended the conference with fellow PWS Rebecca and Carolina. This is a short message he sent to friends about the conference.
Rebecca, Daniele and Carolina
Rebecca, Daniele and Carolina

Hi guys,

Tonight was the last night of the stuttering conference in Cleveland and it was an awesome experience. I know you guys would have enjoyed it as much as we did and I hope you can make it out next year.

Imagine staying at a hotel for 4 nights. And that hotel has 600 other stutterers. Stutterers in the majority. I have never felt so comfortable, so at ease with my stuttering. And all these people are incredibly cool. Stutterers are awesome people.

It's just amazing. Next year is in Texas and I hope I can make it.

I can't wait to tell you all about it at the next meet up in Toronto.

Top 10 best moments about the conference:


  1. Hearing other people talk just like me everywhere I went
  2. Meeting fellow stutterers of all ages, from all walks of life, from all over the world
  3. Meeting online friends for the first time in person
  4. Making a tonne of new friends
  5. Co-creating the Stuttertini and Stutter Up with one of my new friends
  6. Pam Mertz' workshop on ch-ch-ch-changes resonated with me
  7. Learning about the importance of the family's participation with the stutterer's speech therapy
  8. Hearing everyone's stories in the open mike and NSA All Stars
  9. The kind staff at the Renaissance Cleveland Hotel giving all of us the time we needed to speak
  10. Having the chance to visit and tour Cleveland, a new city for me

I also recorded throughout the conference and made a little audio journal in an episode for my podcast. http://www.stutteringiscool.com/nsa2010

For another conference experience, click here.

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