I developed an interest in working with people who stutter following graduation from Speech-Language Pathology at the University of Toronto, which within a short time led me to seek a position dedicated to helping children, adolescents and adults who stutter. SpeakEasy Canada and the National Stuttering Project, two North American self-help and support organizations of the time, opened my eyes to the ‘real world experience’ of being a person who stutters, at home, work, play, and, most importantly, in therapy. The impact on my approach to stuttering therapy was profound. As the SLP Liaison for the CSA, I hope to bring the same ‘enlightenment’ that I gained many years ago to new and established Speech-Language Pathologists and speech-language pathology students across Canada, so that they, too, may feel better equipped to work with individuals who stutter, and perhaps even uncover a passion for working in this area. In addition to the CSA Board, I proudly represent Canada as a member of the International Cluttering Association and the Lidcombe Trainers Consortium.