Stigma in Mental Health and Stuttering

Gerald Maguire, MD, Ryan Cowley

Sunday 10:45AM - 11:45AM EST



We now know that stuttering is a condition with a neurologic basis and can lead to challenges for us individuals living with stuttering as we face academic, occupational, social and other encounters. People who stutter are not immune from other conditions like depression, social anxiety and attention deficit disorder and in fact, we may face a greater risk of such. As our scientific understanding of these other conditions has grown, the stigma surrounding them has lessened and stuttering will likely follow a similar positive path forward where comprehensive treatments involving talk and medical therapies become standard. Our workshop will be led by two persons who stutter who will present their own personal journeys and perspectives on the challenges today with a look forward to our bright future ahead.

What to expect

Those in attendance will gain a knowledge on what other conditions are common in those of us who stutter and what treatments are available now and what is being researched currently. The audience members will also be able to cite the brain differences we persons who stutter have allowing us to communicate with others such that their stigma will decrease through knowledge and compassionate understanding.

About the presenter

Gerald A Maguire, MD is Professor at AUHS School of Medicine and is the Director of Research for the World Stuttering Network. A person who stutters himself, Dr. Maguire has authored over 80 publications and has delivered hundreds of invited presentations on the neurologic understanding and comprehensive treatments of stuttering. Ryan Cowley is an author, public speaker, and advocate of both stuttering awareness and workplace inclusion. He has spoken at multiple conferences (sometimes as a keynote speaker) and over 70 schools across the United States. Ryan lives in Toronto with his wife, Shannon.

Last updated: 2023-10-27