Be Brave: Adventures With a Stutter

Gifton Duffy

Saturday 10:45AM - 11:45AM EDT

Personal Story

St. Laurent

Be Brave: Adventures with a Stutter is about Gifton Duffy’s life as a person with a stutter. From a small-town upbringing, he has been able to live and work internationally and will share life stories and lessons from his adventures. Among his many experiences he has travelled solo through many countries and worked in unconventional settings such as a maximum-security prison and the film industry. After changing careers in his mid-thirties Gifton restarted his life and obtained a university degree. His message is that we can all face the world with our stuttering and will be encouraged to face future challenges.

Among his many experiences he has travelled solo through many countries and worked in unconventional settings such as a maximum-security prison and the film industry, After changing careers in his mid-thirties Gifton restarted his life and obtained a university degree.

Gifton hopes his audience will be able to recognize that we can all face the world with our stuttering and will be encouraged to face future challenges.

What to expect

The goal is to help people with perspective and to help strengthen their relationship with their stutter. Being brave means different things to different people and the goal is to help people be aware that they can take on a new challenge. I will use examples from my life and the lessons learned from navigating the world with my stutter plus things I learned from both travel and life in general, that may help people with perspective and navigating their lives with a stutter. The expected outcome is that an attendee may gain confidence when approaching change or when pursuing their next personal goal.

About the presenter

Gifton Duffy is originally from Miramichi, New Brunswick. He was a professional chef who worked internationally, worked in film catering and even worked in a maximum security prison. He currently resides in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island and work as an income tax auditor.

Last updated: 2023-09-05