Strut Your Stut Stut

Bhavna Bakshi

Saturday 4:00PM - 5:00PM EDT

In this workshop, Bhavna describes how, through experimentation and lightheart- edness, she was able to reduce her stuttering and increase her fluency. She discusses the seven practises that have most impacted her daily life. The audience will be motivated to not let their disability be seen as a disability but as the best thing to happen to them and view their disability as their super power.

What to expect

  1. The power of a pause.
  2. Interruptions vs Being Interrupted
  3. Consistency - tools I use to maintain my speech
  4. Giving permission to yourself
  5. Act It Out
  6. Psychedelics
  7. Meditation + Talk Therapy

About the presenter

Bhavna stutters since age 4. In 2010, she won a business presentation competition, which helped improve her stutter. Stuttering changed how she expressed herself. This Indian Chick podcast was Bhavna’s way to start public speaking and share her South Asian heritage. It covers stuttering, mental health, sexual abuse, LGBTQI+, & psychedelics.

Last updated: 2022-10-02