The Happy Stutterer Mindset
Paige Smith
Sunday 1:30PM - 2:30PM EST
Coping AllDid you know that everyday you have approximately 60,000 thoughts going through your mind? How many of those thoughts do you think are about stuttering? For a person who stutters, it’s not uncommon to think about it all day every day. In this presentation, Paige shares how mindset is made up of your thoughts and beliefs, shaping the perceptions you have of yourself and how you make sense of the world. When you take control of your thoughts, you turn the volume down on negative self-talk so that you feel more confident and have greater self-esteem.
What to expect
- Learn about the two types of mindsets.
- Learn what the different traits are between fixed and growth mindsets
- Learn that changing your thoughts changes your experiences
- Learn about the power of words and the importance of positive self-talk
About the presenter

Paige Smith is a person who stutters and a certified professional coach. She’s created The Happy Stutterer Mindset program which allows people who stutter to increase confidence and natural fluency from the inside out — instead of just focusing on mechanics. Connect with Paige on Instagram @thehappystutterer and
Last updated: 2021-12-01