Advocating in the School System for Kids who Stutter
Kim Block
Saturday 7:15PM - 8:15PM EST
Advocacy ParentsThis workshop will be about how to advocate on behalf of your child who stutters in the education system. What you can expect, what you can ask for, how to communicate, how to understand and navigate through the system and manage the emotional weight of advocacy. Education laws and policies will be discussed, along with how to guide your child to become their own self-advocate. There is no formal training for teachers and education staff around stuttering and they have the same misunderstandings as the general public which can greatly impact your child’s education and development.
What to expect
Parents will understand their role and rights as an advocate for their child who stutters. They will gain strategies in communication with school administration, and increase their confidence in their role. The emotional side of advocacy will also be a key component in this workshop.About the presenter

Kim Block is a person who stutters and is currently working on a second degree in Criminology and Social Justice. She has a degree in Human Relations, Developmental Service Worker and Family Life Education. Kim has been an advocate in the stuttering community for over 20 years in various roles. She has two teenage children with various disabilities and is a strong advocate in the education system.
Last updated: 2021-12-01